Saturday, May 30, 2009

So, yeah, it's been a while....

This is Maddie at Field Day at school last week! She had a blast!
Maddie and her buddy Nicholas!

Maddie with Madison and Nicholas in class, after Field Day!
Maddie's last day of school is Thursday! I can't believe it! Then on to First Grade in the fall!

The pictures below are from when Maddie lost her first tooth! It's been like two weeks since she lost it!

Let's see what else has been happening? Well, we almost got transferred to Tulsa, Oklahoma! But then Friday we found out that we are NOT moving. We are staying right here in Rogers, ARKANSAS! Yahoo!
We're just looking forward to the summer! The pool is open! Yahoo! Wes, Maddie, and Drew went down to the pool today. I stayed back with Gavin. He's been sick for two days now. Poor thing! I feel so bad for him!
Anyways, that's about it for now! Almost time for bed! Good night, all!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

This Weekend In Pictures

He is just trouble! :)

Well, that pretty much sums up our Friday, Saturday, and today!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Looking forward to the weekend...

As always, we're looking forward to the weekend here!!!! This weekend we're going to this fun event:

Check it out! We went last year and had so much fun!

The weather is soooo great today here in Northwest Arkansas! It is SUNNY and in the 80's! Yahoo! The kids have been outside playing and enjoying every minute of it! It has just rained and rained so much lately! Just makes ya crazy!

Big news! We bought Drew's birthday present! Yes, his birthday isn't until August, but we had to scoop these up before they sold out. What is it? You may ask. Well, what's the one thing that Drew loves more than ANYTHING?! THE WIGGLES! Yes, it's true....We're going to see the Wiggles LIVE for the first time ever....It's the first weekend in August, in Tulsa, Oklahoma! We're going! All five of us. I know. You are are all so very jealous.....ha ha ha! But it will be fun seeing Drew and Gavin freaking out over the Wiggles! Gavin has really gotten into them lately. It's tooooo cute.

So that's as exciting as it gets here in good 'ol Rogers, AR! Hope everyone is doing well!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Video of the Kindergarten Celebration

Here's a video of one of the songs that they sang last night! It was adorable! Enjoy!

Aloha Celebration! Kintergarten Graduation!

Maddie and Daddy after she gave her "lay" to him! So sweet!

Maddie being a ham on stage with the rest of the Kindergarten classes!

Don't they all look precious?

Here they are! All of the Kindergarteners!

We had so much fun watching all of the kids! I couldn't believe how precious the whole entire program was! Hard to believe that I will have a first grader next year!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you MOTHERS out there! Today was a great day! Wes made breakfast - Yummy eggs and toast! Then we got ready and went to church. Wes even got all of the kids ready for me. Yahoo! Then we went to brunch with our friends Bill and Susan at the Clarion Hotel in Fayetteville. It was soooo good! I ate way too much!

After the kids' naps, Wes took Maddie and Drew to the park. They loved it! I did some laundry - ugh - and light cleaning. That's about as exciting as it gets here. Sorry!

Tomorrow, though, is Maddie's Kindergarten Aloha Celebration! I can't wait!

Have a great Monday tomorrow!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's Saturday Again!

So today we did something kinda fun! We went to Sam's Club in Bentonville, to meet Kate Gosselin from Jon and Kate Plus Eight! It was fun! The kids and I waited in line for a bit to get her to sign a copy of her book. Good times! Then, of course, it wouldn't be a trip to Sam's Club if the kids don't get their soft pretzels and cherry icee drinks! Good stuff.

This is a picture of Maddie getting Kate to autograph her new book, "Eight Little Faces".
Other than that, we laid pretty low today. Just hung around the house. Maddie went over to a friends house for aboout 4 hours. She never wants to leave when she goes to her friend Alicia's house! Por thing fell and scraped her knee, walking home today. Man was she ticked off!
Tomorrow, we're going to church in the morning. Then we're off to a Mother's Day Brunch down in Fayetteville, with our friends Bill and Susan. Should be a good time. I hope the weather is good! Anyways that's pretty much it for us for now....Only two more days til Maddie's Kindergarten Presentation at Bentonville High School. It's an "Aloha Celebration"! I forsee many pictures being taken! Stay tuned!
Have a great rest of your weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wacky Wednesday!

Yeah, this was Maddie tonight before her dinner! She was gettin' a little crazy! Like always!

Drew....Well what can I say. It was warm outside and for some reason he put on Maddie's winter scarf and hat! What can you do? Drew is Drew! But he's so cute~

All three munchkins earlier tonight! They crack me up!

Gavin and daddy before bedtime...

Maddie's Kindergarter Graduation Picture! We got it yesterday. Couldn't wait to share it!

Gavin actually feeding himself spaghettti last night at dinner. He did a great job!

Gavin is being a little mischievious! Climbing up on the kitchen table and trying to play with my laptop! Bad boy! And he knows it! Caught ya!
Oh, and all of these pictures are from my NEW CANON CAMERA that I love so much! I am so thankful that I got it! I must have been a good mommy this past year, to get such a wonderful Mother's Day Gift! And early for that matter!
The kids are all doing good! Maddie has two loose teeth! She is really excited about it! So am I! Gavin chipped his front tooth this morning, when he fell down face first, on our tile floor in the kitchen! I didn't even know it was chipped til later in the day. I couldn't believe it!
Anyway, that's about as exciting as it gets here for now! Take care everyone!