Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wow! It HAS been a while!!!!!

Well I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted! We've been super busy! We just got back from a week long vacation in Branson, Missouri. Branson is only about an hour and 40 minutes away from our house. We stayed in a gorgeous on Table Rock Lake. There was a pool at the condo and of course, we took advantage. We also swam in Table Rock Lake several days that we were there. While we were there, we went to a Toy Museum and to dinner at Lambert's Cafe. I love that restaraunt. It was my second time there. Good both times. Very good!
Wes took the kids on go karts one day. We went to Silver Dollar City two days while we were there, too. The kids loved it. We all rode rides and the train. It was awesome! And of course, I was sure to fit in some good amusement park food! They had a lot of rides and things to do for younger kids like ours, thank goodness. Silver Dollar City was great! And different! But of course, nothing compares to Cedar Point!

The last two days of our vacation, we checked out of the condo and went to the Castle Rock Resort - indoor AND outdoor waterpark. I loved it! It was a hotel with the waterpark right in it. We all had a fantastic time. I know we will definitely go back there. We made some time to go shopping on vacation, too. I just got a few things for Maddie at Old Navy for school. Can't believe it's almost time for back to school! 3 weeks from tomorrow.

Besides vacation...........

Of course, my baby turned 2 yesterday! Happy Birthday G Man! Momma loves ya! We woke up and went out to breakfast. Then we went to Sam's Club to get his birthday cake. Then of course, we had dinner and had cake and ice cream. Good stuff! Gavin seemed to enjoy it himself! He got a lot of nice presents, too!

As you can imagine, there will be lots and lots of pictures coming soon!!! I just need to download the vacation and birthday pictures and we'll be good to go! They'll be on here and on Facebook.

So Gavin's birthday is over which means mine is right around the corner. Yuck! I don't want to get any older! Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This weekend we are going to see The Wiggles in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It's a little less than 2 hours from our house so it won't be too bad. This is Drew's birthday present this year. His birthday is next month already! I cannot believe that he will be 4!!!!! Drew and Gavin both love the Wiggles, and I know they are going to freak when they see the Wiggles live.

So then comes Maddie's 6th birthday on Sept 6th. That's gonna be here before you know it, too! So we're planning a birthday party for both Drew and Maddie right in between both of their birthdays. We'll just have a pool party or something with their friends. Cake, snacks, friends, decorations, and viola - u have a party!

Wow, then comes Sept 21st. That will be seven years since Wes and I got married! Good Lord help me! 7 years! I cannot believe it! :)

SO needless to say, the next 2 months or so will be pretty busy for us! I guess it's better than being bored! ha! Oh and we also have Maddie's 6 year and Drew's 4 year doctor's well check up appointments coming up at the end of August. Maddie, Drew, Wes and I all have dentists appointments in two weeks, too. Geez!

So much to do, so little time! :)

Take care everyone! Stay tuned for pictures soon!